Sunday, November 16, 2008

~Sunday night~Prayers needed


Hello dear friends, I pray all is well at your house . We went to church this morning, and came back home. Our daughter, Shelley and her family came to visit. We had a good lunch. I had cooked some turnip greens, and purple hull peas also made corn bread. The kids enjoyed Chili Dogs!
We made a trip to Alabama last weekend, our granddaughter,Lori had to have surgery on Nov. the 10th. We thought she was doing OK so we came on home,but the next day she started running a fever. They decided she had a infection,and started treating her with antibiotics,which helped some,but the fever was still there so they wanted to go back for another surgery to find the problem. Our other granddaughter that is with her there , decided to transfer her to Mobile Ala., for a second opinion.
That is where she is now, and they are still treating her with strong antibiotics. We are all praying,and the church is also sending up prayers too, that she will get well soon so she can get back home with her children and grandchildren. PLEASE PRAY WITH US DEAR FRIENDS
that she will get well soon. That her infection will be gone, and she will get to go home soon.
God bless you all!

1 comment:

Simply Shelley said...

Hi Moma,we enjoyed the visit Sunday.The greens were sooo good. I am praying Lori will soon be well and back at home.Hope she is doing better by now.
Love you both,Shelley